Briana C. Jackson
Upcoming Events
New Talatat from the Portal Temple of Ramesses II at Abydos
American Research Center in Egypt Annual Meeting
San Fransisco, CA
April 25-27, 2025​​
In the late 1960s, around twenty-six talatat dating to the reign of Akhenaten were found reused in the Portal Temple of Ramesses II at Abydos. Publications on these talatat are remarkably few, but it is written that seven of the talatat are decorated. Of these, only one was photographed, now in the Penn Museum collection, while six others were published as line drawings. The others were not recorded and there do not seem to be original field notes about them. Their location remained unknown until recently when they were found in the Seti I temple magazine. During a visit to study them, a surprising discovery was made. Six more unrecorded and unpublished decorated talatat were found, making the new total of decorated talatat found in Abydos fifteen. This paper offers a preliminary study of the new talatat and provides an updated examination of Akhenaten’s possible activities in Abydos. While many scholars propose these talatat were brought from Amarna, this paper considers the possibility that an Aten temple or chapel was built in Abydos during Akhenaten's reign.
Past Events
Atenism from Sinai to Sudan
American Research Center in Egypt monthly lecture series
Cairo, Egypt
November 20, 2024
The Amarna Period of ancient Egypt is marked by numerous innovations in art, religion, and government. Akhenaten implemented a new artistic decorum and founded a new capital, Akhet-Aten (present-day Tell el-Amarna), replacing the former administrative capital, Memphis, and the former religious capital, Thebes. Moreover, he initiated a widespread program of building temples dedicated to the Aten primarily in Thebes and Amarna, but also at several other sites from Tjaru at the Sinai border to Gebel Barkal in Nubia. A massive body of evidence suggests or confirms that Aten temples or chapels existed in several sites outside Thebes and Amarna, including talatat, tombs and other architectural inscriptions, stelae, jewelry, and seal impressions. Many of the sites at which Aten temples or chapels were or may have been constructed were dedicated to the cults of major primeval gods, such as Re in Heliopolis, Ptah in Memphis, Min in Akhmim, and Osiris in Abydos. This research proposes these widespread temples and chapels formed a network across Egypt and Sudan, as well as proposes that Atenism incorporated the cults of other major primeval gods.
Hieroglyphic Gibberish: the Placement and Purpose of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs in Video Games
Current Research in Egyptology conference
Liverpool, UK
September 2-6, 2024
Click here for more information.
In ancient Egypt, the hieroglyphic script was sacred and was inscribed on the most sacred buildings such as temples and tombs. Drawing and carving hieroglyphs required mastery of skill which was honed in schools, and material evidence reveals that ancient Egyptian students practiced writing signs to make sure they inscribed them on walls with near perfection. For people today who have not studied the language or script, the pictograms are mysterious and arcane. In video games about ancient Egypt, hieroglyphs are therefore used as tools either to provide an immersive aesthetic or emphasize the mysterious nature of an item or place, and almost always the hieroglyphs are random and incoherent. Some categories of hieroglyphic usage in video games are hieroglyphs as decoration, as clues, and as labels. In some cases, hieroglyphs are completely invented shapes that don’t actually occur in ancient Egypt, but have the essence of a hieroglyph that the player can imagine as being ancient Egyptian. This paper shall examine what roles hieroglyphs play in games about ancient Egypt, and I will also discuss my own experience in consulting on inclusion of real hieroglyphs spelling ancient Egyptian words in the recently released Pharaoh: A New Era.
The Theban Mapping Project: Preserving the Theban West Bank Online
The American Research Center in Egypt Annual Meeting
Pittsburgh, USA
April 19-21, 2024
Click here to register.
Presented with Bianca van Sittert
Digital Humanities is not the future, but the now in Egyptological studies and practices, and it continues to grow exponentially in importance as archaeologists and other researchers navigate the changing landscape of archaeological sites that are continuously modified by excavation, climate change, human traffic and other activities, and the general wear and tear of time. The Theban Mapping Project’s first website, launched in 1997, was one of the earliest largescale digital projects created to preserve the archaeological landscape of the West Bank necropoleis, providing to the public the documentation of KV 5 and other West Bank sites. The website unfortunately crashed in the mid-2000s, but work began in 2018 to revive the site and to bring the Valley of the Kings back to the fingertips of scholars, students, and the public. It continued to grow with the 2023 launch of the Valley of the Queens and Western Wadis and historic dig houses (in-progress).
In antiquity, this region experienced several natural disasters that damaged a significant number of tombs and temples, some of which remain at high risk of collapse. The influx of tourists has further made the monuments, especially tombs, vulnerable to damage due to heat and moisture effects and risks. The Theban Mapping Project website’s ongoing mission is to digitally preserve all the monuments of the West Bank through exhaustively detailed documentation in terms of plans, site and exploration histories, conservation histories, photographs, and articles that are available to the public anywhere in the world. This paper will provide an overview of the TMP website’s role in Egyptian heritage site management and how it serves as a digital tool in preserving Egypt’s cultural heritage.
Digitizing the Theban West Bank: The Theban Mapping Project Website
The American Research Center in Egypt - Vancouver and Oregon Chapters
February 17, 2024, 11:00am PST
Click here to register.
The Berkeley Theban Mapping Project was founded by Dr. Kent Weeks in 1978 at the University of California, Berkeley. Its goal was to establish a framework for mapping the ancient monuments of Thebes as a basis for conservation and future exploration. It produced the first comprehensive surveys of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens, and the Western Wadis, and pioneered aerial photography from hot air balloons in Luxor. The global interest generated by the rediscovery of KV 5 in 1989 raised funds that enabled the TMP to publish its work, digitally drawing and modeling the tombs it had surveyed to produce the Atlas of the Valley of the Kings and creating the first of now three iterations of its award-winning website. After crashing in 2010, the popular website, thebanmappingproject.com (TMP.com), was brought back online in 2020 by the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE). The main mission of the website is to serve as an exhaustive and educational resource for scholars and the public on the ancient sites and monuments of the Theban West Bank, including interactive aerial maps and axonometric tomb plans, photographic galleries, site, exploration, and conservation histories, as well as resources such as bibliographies, a glossary, an Egyptian timeline, and articles on major and minor Egyptological and archaeological themes. In 2023, the first ever online database on the Valley of the Queens and the Western Wadis was launched on TMP.com, showcasing over 120 generally unknown tombs. In this lecture, we will present the processes behind digitizing and publicly presenting these ancient sites on TMP.com.
Cultural Heritage and the Theban Mapping Project: Preserving the Theban West Bank Online
Egyptian Cultural Heritage Now conference
The American Research Center in Egypt
Cairo, Egypt
November 11-13, 2023
Learn more here:
Digital Humanities is not the future, but the now in Egyptological studies and practices, and it continues to grow exponentially in importance as archaeologists and other researchers navigate the changing landscape of archaeological sites that are continuously modified by excavation, climate change, human traffic and other activities, and the general wear and tear of time. The Theban Mapping Project’s first website, launched in 1997, was one of the earliest largescale digital projects created to preserve the archaeological landscape of the West Bank necropoleis, providing to the public the documentation of KV 5 and other West Bank sites. The website unfortunately crashed in the mid-2000s, but work began in 2018 to revive the site and to bring the Valley of the Kings back to the fingertips of scholars, students, and the public. It continued to grow with the 2023 launch of the Valley of the Queens and Western Wadis and historic dig houses (in-progress), and currently Phase 1 of the addition of West Bank temples is underway with an expected launch date in December 2024.
In antiquity, this region experienced several natural disasters that damaged a significant number of tombs and temples, some of which remain at high risk of collapse. The influx of tourists has further made the monuments, especially tombs, vulnerable to damage due to heat and moisture effects and risks. The Theban Mapping Project website’s ongoing mission is to digitally preserve all the monuments of the West Bank through exhaustively detailed documentation in terms of plans, site and exploration histories, conservation histories, photographs, and articles that are available to the public anywhere in the world. This paper will provide an overview of the TMP website’s role in Egyptian heritage site management and how it serves as a digital tool in preserving Egypt’s cultural heritage.
Egyptology and Archaeogaming: Exploring and Teaching Egypt through Video Games
International Congress of Egyptologists
Leiden, Netherlands
August 6-11, 2023
Learn more here:
Video games involving ancient themes have existed since the 1980s, but it was not until much more recently that academia broadly accepted such games as tools for archaeological education. The term “archaeogaming” was coined by Andrew Reinhard in 2018 (Archaeogaming), which he defined as “the archaeology in and of digital games”. The small but growing discipline often examines video games inspired by or set in antiquity through lenses of reception, cultural awareness, accuracy, intention, and educational merit. The discipline has seen explosive interest within the field of Classics, but in the field of Egyptology, there has been little ground gained in the study of archaeogaming. In 2020, video games first gained momentum among Egyptologists namely through the popular Assassin’s Creed: Origins, a video game set in Ptolemaic Egypt, which incorporated an education mode for learning about ancient Egypt. This paper intends to present the merits of academically approaching video games about ancient Egypt and to introduce ancient and modern themes that scholars might observe in several games set in Egypt and Western Asia. Furthermore, this paper shall present ways in which scholars may use video games to teach these themes in a way that is accessible not only to students in a classroom, but also to a broad public audience.
Digitizing the Theban West Bank – the Theban Mapping Project Website
Kemet Klub
Online Zoom lecture
July 29, 2023
1:30 pm (GMT +1)
Link forthcoming
Presented with Bianca van Sittert
After crashing in 2010, the popular website, thebanmappingproject.com (TMP.com), was brought back online in 2020 by the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE). The main mission of the website is to serve as an exhaustive and educational resource for scholars and the public on the ancient sites and monuments of the Theban West Bank. The Valley of the Kings was the first database to be debuted on TMP.com and provides users with unprecedented access to the site’s 65 known tombs through interactive aerial maps and axonometric tomb plans, photographic galleries, site, exploration, and conservation histories, as well as resources such as bibliographies, a glossary, an Egyptian timeline, and articles on major and minor Egyptological and archaeological themes. In 2023, the first ever online database on the Valley of the Queens and the Western Wadis was launched on TMP.com, showcasing over 120 generally unknown tombs. In this lecture, we will present the processes behind digitizing and publicly presenting these ancient sites on TMP.com.
Divinity and Imagined Antiquity in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Gods of Antiquity in Contemporary Popular Culture
June 13, 2023
Register by emailing:
Presented with: Maciej Paprocki, Alexander Vandewalle, Joel Gordon, Kate Minniti, and David S. Anderson
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (‘MCU’; 2008-) is one of the most lucrative entertainment franchises ever, and shapes the pop-cultural imagination to no small degree. Strikingly, the so-called ‘Phase 4’ of MCU storytelling (2021-2022) included multiple products that in some way represented ancient-world mythologies and cultures. While mythology has long been a part of the MCU (e.g., Thor; Branagh, 2011), its increased presence is unmistakable, and given the franchise’s teleological structure, it is expected that mythology and antiquity will only become more important with future releases. This paper examines the MCU’s receptions of divine and supernatural characters from two interrelated research foci: (1) divine ontology, and (2) multicultural representations of ancient religions and civilizations. The first topic examines how the MCU remediates godhood to its broad audience: what does it mean to be a god in the MCU? Where lies the distinction between gods, heroes, and superheroes? What are the socio-cultural implications of these conceptualizations? We argue that, by employing multiple director-storytellers, the MCU currently exhibits a variety of divine definitions and modalities. The second topic broadens the scope and investigates how the MCU represents various ancient cultures and mythologies (e.g., Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Mesoamerican, Norse). It will demonstrate how the MCU’s storytelling and representation of (inter)mythological communities are driven by dominantly white and Western cultural concerns. In sum, by reading the MCU through the lens of classical (and/or ancient-world) reception studies, this paper (and its multi-author team of experts who focus on different areas of both the ancient world and popular reception) investigates contemporary meanings attached to antiquity and mythology by one of the biggest entertainment franchises, and illuminates not only how these meanings stand in dialogue with ancient evidence, but also what they reveal about contemporary society and how present-day creators look towards antiquity.
Tracking Temples through Scattered Inscriptions
American Research Center in Egypt
Fellows Symposium
Cairo, Egypt
May 6, 2023
The Amarna Period is one of the most intriguing periods in ancient Egyptian history. King Akhenaten made major changes to the religion, location of the capital, art, and even the language inscribed on monuments. Most attention has been placed on his activities at Thebes and then Amarna, but scholarship on his activities elsewhere have not garnered the same interest. My research looks at the sites at both Thebes and Amarna, as well as numerous other sites in Egypt and Sudan where Amarna Period evidence was found. Often, the material found at these other sites is explained as Ramesses II transported everything from Amarna to reuse in his building projects at various sites, without much regard to serious considerations that the material originated from the other sites and not from Amarna. My research examines archaeology, inscriptions, art, and architecture from all these sites to piece together the spread and influence of Atenism. For this conference contribution, I will discuss the challenges with examining this material with particular attention to its decontextualization in antiquity, prosopography, and inscriptions suggesting temple/chapel locations.
Urbanization and State Development in City-Builder Games
ASOR Annual Meeting
Archaeology of the Near East and Video Games workshop
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
November 16-19, 2022
Virtual conference
October 19-23, 2022
Learn more here:
Watch recorded lecture here.
The city-builder games Nebuchadnezzar, Sumerians, Pharaoh, and Predynastic Egypt, set in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, follow a general format where game progression mirrors the progression of civilization. Completing missions advances the player into the next chapter of history, as well as unlocks new game features, such as new industries or advancements in agricultural technologies. These games begin with a tutorial that is set at the moment of first settlement and when agriculture and animal husbandry are introduced. Then, mission-by-mission the games present new features of ancient society that are imperative to their functioning, as well as development of social stratification and industry specialization, trade in staples and luxury goods with other cities or foreign civilizations, municipal organization, and development of power systems. This format follows real-world development of ancient societies. Furthermore, the towns in which the games’ missions begin are actual ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian sites whose archaeological record reveals they saw the earliest instances of settlement and fledgling urbanization. This paper examines the ways in which Nebuchadnezzar, Sumerians, Pharaoh, and Predynastic Egypt demonstrate urbanization and state development in Mesopotamia and Egypt. It shall also discuss how their general game mechanics and formats make this game genre a good tool for teaching these subjects.
Diplomacy through Shared Solar Theologies: A New Examination of Egyptian–Mitannian Relations
Annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt
Irvine, California
April 21-24, 2022
Watch live recording here.
A few generations following Thutmose III’s historic battle against the Mitannian kingdom, diplomacy was founded during the reign of Thutmose IV through the first dynastic marriage between a Mitannian princess and an Egyptian king. Such marriages would continue to be the basis for maintaining the diplomatic Egyptian-Mitannian relations between Egyptian kings Amenhotep III and Akhenaten and Mitannian kings Shuttarna and Tushratta. Details of these marriages and the diplomacy that was maintained as a result of them are found mostly in the Amarna Letters sent from Tushratta to Amenhotep III and Akhenaten. However, theological connections are also apparent, represented by the inventory lists of luxury gifts decorated with solar imagery in the so-called international art style, as well as by greetings to and events concerning each other’s gods, namely solar gods.
These letters date to the last decade of Amenhotep III’s reign and the early years of Akhenaten’s reign, contemporaneous with the occupation of the Malqata sed-festival palace site and the recently excavated Aten-Tjehen town site, during a time when solar theology in Egypt was evolving dramatically. This paper provides a theological as well as art historical examination of the Amarna Letters sent from Tushratta and sheds light on an understudied theme in the diplomatic relationships between the aforementioned kings. It considers how diplomacy between Mitanni and Egypt may have been strengthened in part by the kings appealing to one another on the common ground of solar theology.
Archaeology as a Foundation for Lore Building in the MYST Video Game Series
Antiquity in Media Studies (AIMS) annual meeting
"What Has Antiquity Ever Done for Us?"
Virtual conference
December 15-18, 2021
Learn more here
When the adventure game Myst (1993), created by Cyan, Inc., was released on CD-ROM, it completely changed the gaming industry. With the sequel Riven (1997), Myst turned toward becoming a game franchise that would grow to include a total of six single-player games and one massively multiplayer online (MMO), together with three novels. The games rely on a “found experience”, where the player encounters an object or situation seemingly with no context, for example the encounter with a single book in an empty black space at the beginning of Myst. One must then acquire data in the format of clues to solve puzzles and excavate the story of the game.
The lore of the game centers around the history of an ancient fantasy city called D’ni built far underground below the New Mexico desert. It was populated for thousands of years by an alien race, the D’ni people, that had fled their collapsing planet. They arrived on Earth by “linking” there via magical books, such as the book that opens the game Myst. Following the arrival of the first human in D’ni, a series of events leads to two men destroying D’ni and killing a large percentage of its population, leaving only the ruins of an empty city.
This is where the single player game Uru: Ages Beyond Myst (2003) and its associated MMO pick up the story. The MMO experience, which was meant to draw a larger gaming crowd, was problematic for Cyan since the game hinged considerably upon prior knowledge of the lore, something the target audience often did not possess. Their answer to this was to present the lore through the perspective of archaeology, where the player would be expected to learn about the ancient civilization through the archaeological process.
The premise of the game is another “found experience” where archaeologists in our current era encountered the ruins of D’ni and began an archaeological project there to research and restore the city. Part of the gameplay involves the player encountering primary sources in translation, as well as notebooks written by archaeologists that present historical and anthropological examinations of the ancient people. The game also incorporates application of in-game acquired knowledge of elements of GIS, archaeological survey, and spatial analysis both to solve puzzles and to aid in the city’s restoration.
This paper examines how archaeological methods were applied in the video game Uru: Ages Beyond Myst and its MMO component to tell the story of a fictional and collapsed ancient civilization and how players learn and apply archaeological skills in order to complete quests in the game.
Building Cities, Building Games: Developers’ Inspirations and Intentions
ASOR Annual Meeting
Archaeology of the Near East and Video Games workshop
Chicago, Illinois, USA
November 17-20, 2021
Virtual conference
December 9-12, 2021
Learn more here:
Documents from this talk
In 2012, MoMA curator Paola Antonelli unveiled a bold exhibition of fourteen classic video games in the Applied Design gallery of the museum. This was the first time video games had been displayed as art, and the first time that they were broadly received in academia. Since then, video games have seen a rise in academic attention, and only recently academic interest in them exploded with the trend termed “archaeogaming”.
Archaeologists “academicizing” video games set in antiquity—certain of which have been around for 30 years—have mostly concentrated on the accuracy of the representation of antiquity, up to and including how any inauthenticity in its representation in pop culture damages the field. Such interpretations ignore probably the most important component of games: the developers themselves. These interpretations presuppose both that the mainstream audience is absorbing games (or movies & tv shows) as documentary, and that the game developers intend to present their creative projects as fact rather than as inspired by antiquity.
This talk is based on interviews with the developers of the city building games Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Builders of Egypt, and Sumerians, chosen particularly because they focus on the development of civilizations over time and therefore required more in-depth examinations of the anthropological aspects of Egypt or Mesopotamia. I discuss the developers’ inspirations, intentions for the games’ receptions, and views on the academic topic of and approaches to archaeogaming, as well as consider how the topic may be better served in academia by acknowledging developers’ roles.
The Veneration of Amenhotep III and Lunar Cult during the Reign of Akhenaten
Exalted Spirits: Veneration of the Dead through the Ages in Egypt
American Research Center in Egypt
Cairo, Egypt
November 10-12, 2021
This will be a poster presentation
Click HERE for more information
In the 30th year of his reign, Amenhotep III adopted the epithet “the Dazzling Sun-disc”, revealing a marked increase in royal interest in solar cult. Additionally, Amenhotep III elevated lunar cult, and built in Soleb a temple dedicated to the celebration of his sed-festival and to himself in the form of a new lunar god, Nebmaatre, Lord of Nubia. At both Soleb and Sesebi, temple decoration displays Akhenaten’s veneration of his father as the moon god, and other evidence both at Malqata and Amarna reveal a continued royal interest in the cult of Amenhotep III.
The elevation of lunar cult during the reign of Amenhotep III is also demonstrated by new iconography and small finds, such as jewelry molds and representations of the moon god Thoth in sculpture and stelae. Such material culture turns up at Malqata, as well as in the private sector at Amarna. Moreover, Amarna’s neighboring city, Hermopolis, where Amenhotep III erected colossal statues of baboons, was dedicated to the moon god Thoth, perhaps suggesting a connection between the lunar city (Hermopolis) and the solar city (Amarna).
This paper examines the presence and impact of lunar cult, first elevated by Amenhotep III, in both the royal and non-royal sphere during the reign of Akhenaten, as well as explores degrees of religious continuity from the reign of Amenhotep III through that of Tutankhamun, whose jewelry is pregnant with lunar significance.
The Tragedy of Tushratta
The founders of Digital Hammurabi is hosting a collaborative event on YouTube, showcasing several channels that feature content pertaining to the ancient world. My contribution is episode two of my series Ancient Lives on the Nile, "The Tragedy of Tushratta".
The Tragedy of Tushratta examines the Amarna Letters sent between the Mitannian king Tushratta and Egyptian kings Amenhotep III and Akhenaten, and the dramatic events that unfold. View video here.
For the entire playlist, click the link on the left.
Representations of “The Other” in Ancient Egyptian Literature
Save Ancient Studies Alliance (SASA)
Summer reading group
Taught with Kate Minniti, PhD candidate
Tuesdays 11:00am EST
June 15-July 20, 2021
In the mainstream, ancient Egypt is often considered without a geographical context; however the Egyptians were strongly aware of their place within the world that was known to them. As with most ancient civilizations, the ancient Egyptian worldview centered around their belief that their land and peoples were superior to other lands and peoples. This worldview is exemplified in pharaonic art and literature, and these representations also permeated non-royal contexts.
Participants only need to register for each SASA Reading Group once. Once you RSVP you will receive a Confirmation Email, where you will find a link to the Live Syllabus for the Reading Group; with Zoom Meeting links, reading links, info on your Educational Ambassadors, and more!
Interview with Dominic Perry on History of Egypt Podcast
History of Egypt Podcast
with Dominic Perry
Podcast publication date
June 24, 2021
Visit History of Egypt Podcast website:
Briana Jackson is interviewed on the subject of her dissertation, The Geographic and Social Spread of Aten Cult throughout Egypt and Sudan. She discusses how Akhenaten installed places of Aten worship throughout the Egyptian empire, and how these newly established religious sites were interconnected across space and across the social hierarchy.
Also, Briana will discuss matters concerning her early inspirations, research experience, and career.
Akhenaten and His Aten Cult in Abydos and Akhmim
Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean. Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries
Toulouse, France
February 10-12, 2021
See conference website for more information:
In 1352 BCE, in Egypt, a king named Amenhotep (IV) succeeded his deified father, Amenhotep (III) to the throne. Almost immediately traditional Egyptian art was changed by decree of the new king to display grotesquely shaped human figures, grand compositions of daily life and ceremonies, and, most importantly, the elevation of a “new” god called Aten, the sun-disc, seemingly to the exclusion of all other gods. Large temples dedicated to this god were erected in the state cult site, Thebes (Luxor), in and around the Karnak temple precinct. Later, Amenhotep changed his name to Akhenaten, “He who is effective for the Sun-Disc”, and startlingly moved his capital to a virgin site in central Egypt, and called it Akhetaten, “Horizon of the Sun Disc”, modern Tell el-Amarna. Here, he and his family worshipped his personal god according to newly established practices that are pictorially described in wall reliefs in private tombs, as well as on the uniquely sized blocks (talatat) that formed the Amarna temples and palaces themselves. The practice and definition of Akhenaten's new religion and god continue to be hotly debated today, as scholars struggle to label Akhenaten as a monotheist, henotheist, atheist, or others. Most scholarship on the Amarna Period focuses exclusively on the Aten temples constructed at Amarna and Thebes, examining only the evidence at these sites to attempt to explain Akhenaten's religion. However, as I shall argue, this limits our understanding of who or what Aten was, how he was worshipped by the royal family, and whether he was worshipped by the common people. In order to expand our knowledge and inform interpretations of this religion, it is imperative to explore the evidence of the worship of Aten at the various sites outside Tell el-Amarna and Thebes where architectural evidence is found.
Standing temples, fragmentary remains of temple architecture, stelae, and other objects related to worship of Aten appear at many sites throughout Egypt and Sudan. My overall study examines the widespread dissemination of Aten worship in all of these cities, but this current paper focuses on the evidence of Aten cult buildings in the cities of Abydos and Akhmim. In this paper I shall present the evidence that suggests the construction of Aten cult buildings at these sites and offer possible interpretations that may help to increase our understanding of how Aten worship spread across space and across the social strata. One possible interpretation of the evidence I shall present is that the erection of Aten cult buildings may have functioned as a network that incorporated the worship of traditional deities (Osiris and Min) formerly worshiped at Abydos and Akhmim, and that these buildings were linked to specific cult buildings and architectural elements at Tell el-Amarna, the possible “hub” of Aten worship.
Humans Against Poor Scholarship (HAPS) interview
Digital Hammurabi
with Megan Lewis and Dr. Joshua Bowen
Live on YouTube
September 12, 2020
12:00 pm (EST)
CLICK to watch
In this interview, Briana Jackson speaks with Megan Lewis of Digital Hammurabi about her latest research for her dissertation, "The Geographic and Social Spread of Aten Cult throughout Egypt and Sudan." Briana was a recipient of one of the 2020 HAPS scholarships for PhD students, which is offered annually by Digital Hammurabi, thanks to generous donors.
Briana discusses themes of Aten religion and remarks upon the oft-argued monotheism (or not) of Akhenaten.